How to Safely Heat Your Home This Winter 

Chicago, Illinois, is known for its cold and snowy winters. Whether you want to sit by a cozy fireplace or let your heating system take care of things, you should follow a few heating safety tips to stay as safe as possible. The right protocols and precautionary measures can help you lower the potential risk of house fires.

Tips for Heating Your Home Safely

Have peace of mind using a proactive approach to protect your family, home and belongings all year. Follow these safe home heating tips:

  • Change your air filter: Replace your air filters routinely to prevent debris buildup such as dirt, dust and pollen. Clear, unclogged air filters promote better air circulation and provide better heating efficiency around furnaces.
  • Schedule annual maintenance: Have qualified professionals install your water heaters, central heating or stationary heating equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes. Invest in routine inspections, maintenance and cleaning services to ensure your investments stay in top shape.
  • Isolate flammable materials: Follow heating safety recommendations to isolate your fireplaces, furnaces, wood stoves and portable space heaters. Keep your heating equipment at least 3 feet away from items such as rugs, carpets and upholstered furnishings.
  • Use your space heater properly: If you must use a space heater, place the machine on a hard, level and nonflammable surface and always turn the machine off when leaving the room or going to bed. Prevent the equipment from touching flammable items, children and pets.

Things to Avoid

Whether you’re learning the safe ways to heat a room or you’d like some helpful reminders, here are some general guidelines to follow when you’re trying to stay warm throughout winter:

  • Don’t use a stove or oven to heat your home: Only use stoves and ovens to prepare your meals. Avoid leaving your cooking appliances on for long periods to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and home fires.
  • Don’t keep your curtains closed all day long: Allow sunlight in through your windows to help warm up your home during the day. Close your window treatments at night to prevent heat loss.
  • Don’t turn the thermostat on high too quickly: Set your home’s heating system to a moderate temperature. Gradually adjust the temperature to reach a comfortable level and avoid damaging your unit.
  • Don’t use multiple space heaters to save money: Instead of using multiple space heaters, heat your whole home using a central heating system. Invest in an energy-efficient system to heat your living spaces effectively and reduce your utility bills over time.

Disaster Restoration After a Fire

ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park is a trusted choice for property restoration services after natural disasters and challenging situations. We have over 25 years of experience providing fire restoration services in and around Chicago, Illinois.

Our services range from smoke damage cleanup to odor removal. We can also speak with your insurance provider to help you with the claims process. Send us a message to learn more about our offerings.

Our team is available 24/7 for emergency services. Call 773-346-6767 once the fire is controlled and everyone near the property is considered safe. We’ll provide compassionate support and work with you to stabilize your home or business efficiently.

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