How to Remove Cigarette Smoke Odors Permanently

Cleaning the scent of cigarette smoke from your home is no easy task, especially if you don’t know where to start. From what tools to use and which areas of your home need to be cleaned, there are many factors to consider and steps to take before you can even begin. It may even be necessary to hire a professional for cigarette smoke odor removal.

Thirdhand smoke is an indoor secondary pollutant and can have a negative impact on those exposed to it, so don’t let the difficulty of the process stop you from taking action. While it may take some time and a lot of elbow grease, cleaning your home can improve your quality of life and make your days more enjoyable. Here are some key steps you can take to reach that goal and remove the smell of smoke from your home.

Wipe Down Walls

When you think of cleaning your home, you probably think about carpets, countertops and toilet seats. However, cigarette smoke is somewhat unique in that it’s airborne. It doesn’t just fall to the floor or slip between the cushions on your couch. It can permeate an entire space, which means you’ll have to adopt some unique cleaning methods to deal with it. For instance, cleaning glass and mirrors is completely different from doing the same to your walls.

To clean cigarette smoke off of walls, you will need vinegar, water, a bucket and a clean rag. Mix the vinegar and water together in the bucket at a ratio of 75% vinegar to 25% water. This mixture is great at removing the residue of cigarette smoke, but you’ll need to apply it via the rag. It’s important to keep that rag fresh, so make sure you’re regularly wringing it out and even swapping in a new rag when necessary.

You may also need to periodically refill the bucket, especially if the odor you’re trying to remove is expansive. Having enough vinegar on hand will help make the whole process smoother and save you extra trips to pick up more. In some cases, you may even have to clean your ceiling, so keep a ladder handy and be careful while climbing and cleaning. A ladder might also help you get those hard-to-reach portions of the wall, making it a good idea either way.

Deep Clean Furniture

Getting the smell of smoke out of furniture presents a host of challenges, mainly because there are so many different types of furniture. From finished wood to fabric, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the variety of cleaning techniques available. While there is no cure-all, here are a few ways to treat your furniture for that smoky smell:

  • Disassemble your furniture: Taking apart your furniture may not make it any cleaner in and of itself, but it will allow you to reach every nook and cranny so that you can eradicate the smell of cigarette smoke. This process is a time investment, but it can pay enormous dividends.
  • Use cleaning products safe for finished wood: Finished wood requires special treatment to preserve the varnish. The last thing you want is to rub off the wood’s protection in an effort to improve its overall presentation. As such, it’s important to invest in cleaners that are designated as safe to use on finished wood. This way, you can remove that smoke smell without damaging your furniture.
  • Use a gentle cleaner for unfinished wood: While you don’t need to worry about damaging the varnish of unfinished wood, you do need to make an effort to protect the wood itself. Investing in a gentle wood cleaner will do just that while still fighting the odor of cigarette smoke. Once your wood furniture dries, you can apply a finish to seal in the smell for good.

  • Apply baking soda: When it comes to removing cigarette smoke from your furniture and even your carpet, baking soda is your best friend. While you do need to be cautious when applying it to wood furniture, it can be spread across most other types of furniture and carpets. After letting the baking soda sink in for an hour or more, you can use a vacuum cleaner/extension to suck everything up, and ideally, there will be a notable improvement in smell. If not, you can try repeating the process.

While these steps are not the only approaches to cleaning your furniture, they are a good place to start. Don’t be afraid to try out other methods, though! Learning how to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of wood furniture is especially complicated, so you may need to seek professional support.

Purify the Air

Bringing in some fresh air is a vital part of removing the smell of cigarette smoke, which has the potential to improve olfactory performance over time. Opening your windows and the doors inside your home can help the fresh air circulate throughout your space and gradually move the stale air out. Box fans and air purifiers can enhance this circulation and help to clear the odor out quicker.

Airing out your home can also help to clear out the scent of cleaning products and chemicals that you may have been using to combat the cigarette odor. While it may seem simple, this step can make a real impact and make your home feel more open and breathable.

Replace the Unsalvageable

The unfortunate truth is that you may not be able to get the scent of cigarette smoke out of some items. If a piece of furniture or rug is truly beyond hope, it may be time to replace it entirely. Of course, you should do what you can to save the piece before deciding to get rid of it, but if all your efforts have failed, it may be time to let it go.

While losing an item can be difficult, it may be a necessary step in purifying your home’s air. However, before making that sacrifice, you should consider a professional’s opinion on the matter.

Hire ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park for Cigarette Smoke Odor Removal

ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park has the tools and experience to win the battle against the smell of cigarette smoke in your home. Our cigarette odor removal service is fast, reliable and affordable, saving you time and effort spent on scrubbing down walls, floors and everything in between. We are available 24/7 to care for you and your home.

Contact us at 773-346-6767 or visit either of our Chicago locations today for a quote and banish the scent of smoke from your home for good!

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