Water Damage Prevention Tips | ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park Chicago

According to the Farmers Insurance Group, 90% of household damage is the result of water damage and Tips from servicemaster of lincoln parkflooding. It is no wonder water damage is the 2nd most frequently filed homeowners claim in the United States (American Insurance Association). Amazing, isn’t it? So why aren’t you doing everything in your power to prevent water damage?

Tips for Preventing Water Damage from ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park

  1. Know where the shut-off valve is for you home’s water supply. Know how to operate it. This could be the difference between a little water damage and major home damage.
  2. Check your water heater annually.
  3. Do not pour grease of any kind down your sink or disposal.
  4. Replace washing machine hoses every five years
  5. Regularly check additional appliances, like dishwashers, that are prone to causing water damage.
  6. Check washing machine conrl valves every five years.
  7. Exterior home improvement projects, like cleaning the gutters, extending downspouts 10 feet from your foundation, and inspecting your roof for any signs of damage, can help prevent water damage.

Of course, it is impossible to prevent all types of water damage. Sometimes, things happen that are out of your control, like ruptured pipes, severe storms, and backed up toilets. So when water damage strikes, it is important to be ready. Pick up the phone and call ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park in Chicago. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. And with more than 57 years of experience, ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park knows how to deal with water damage.

If you have any questions about Water Damage Restoration, please contact ServiceMaster of Lincoln Park by calling 773-346-6767 or click here today!

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